Facilitation Skills for Trainers and Supervisors

Course Description

Facilitation skills are critical for today’s successful business leaders, managers, and learning professionals.

This Training Course is designed to help trainers or supervisors to effectively prepare and facilitate a training session or a workshop. This is important for any organization that relies on its internal staff to conduct internal training sessions (product knowledge, policies and procedures…) or facilitate meetings or workshops to solve specific problems some departments in specific or the organization in general are facing.

The course demonstrates step-by-step how to set up effective training from creating an effective learning environment to the effective use of media in the class to handling any group of people and help them achieve their objectives

Course Objective

After completing this training, learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of understanding adult learning principles.
  • Incorporate knowledge of adult learning principles to maximize training delivery effectiveness.
  • Use facilitation skills more naturally and fluently in a variety of settings.
  • Effectively plan and facilitate training, workshops, or group meetings.
  • Use different strategies to handle difficult meeting and facilitation situations.
  • Develop an action plan for application of meeting planning and facilitation skills.
  • Make effective training presentations.
  • Facilitate group interactions and communications.
  • Adapt training to the needs of the audience.
  • Evaluate training effectiveness.

Delivery Method

This is a very interactive course where participants will be working individually, or in groups to implement the learning from each modules (presentation, exercises and role plays). Feedback from the group and the instructor will highlight strengths and areas for development for each participant.


Program duration is 2 days

Program Language

Program material can be in English or Arabic. The actual training sessions will be conducted by Facilitators fluent in both Arabic & English.

For further information or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us